Deborah Hardee's photography captures unexpected moments of real and honest beauty. Whether at home in the Pacific Northwest or shooting at a beach resort in Mexico, Deborah loves taking in her visual surroundings and translating them into art that often tells a larger story. Hardee shoots for the likes of Hilton, Hewlett Packard, Paul Mitchell, Micron, Sunset and other top brands. These are treasured relationships built over years of positive collaboration.
Known for thoughtful styling, high production values and passionate attention to detail whether she’s in Europe, Mexico, New York, LA or the remote wilderness of Idaho. Deborah is a Los Angeles native who grew up with the artful aesthetic of Southern California, and finds as much inspiration in the streets of New York as the gorgeous mountains and waterways of the Northwest. Deborah is invigorated by a fast multi-city lifestyle shoot, relaxed and efficient managing a big crew, and still loves to fall quiet shooting a dusty country road.
AARP Affordable Housing Finance Albertsons Anthony Doerr Architectural Record Bank of America Blue Cross of Idaho Boise City Arts & History Boise Contemporary Theater Boise Art Museum Capital Educators Credit Union Caviar Affair The Collaborative The Cove Spa Cooking Light Crookham Company Departures Dorsey and Whitney LLP Drake Cooper Dustin Portela EKConstruction Erstad Architects Etsy Foerstel Design Forbes Travel Guide Fred Astaire Dance Studio H&M Hawley Troxell HDR Hewlett Packard Hilton The Home Depot Hummel Architects IBM INC. Idaho Department of Transportation Idaho Shakespeare Festival Intelligent Collector Lucky Dog Recreation Luxury Travel Magazine McDonnell Douglas Micron Mitchell Palmer Murray Design Group Mrs & Mr Nava Face & Eye Northwest Travel + Life Opera Idaho John Paul Mitchell Paige Ryan Pizza Hut Plantronics Portsche's Premier League Primary Health Publicis Ratchet + Wrench Reader's Digest The Riverside Hotel RGrey Gallery SmashGal San Francisco Chronicle Shore Lodge Shutterstock SolReya Strite Remodeling Sunset Superbase Thrivent Trout Architects UBS Financial Vacasa Whitetail Xerox Yale Center for British Art Zoom + Care